Friday, January 22, 2010

Damian Rogers - Tuesday, January 26, 2pm

Tune in to "In Other Words" this Tuesday, January 26 from 2-3pm as host Jennifer LoveGrove interviews Damian Rogers about her book Paper Radio. They'll read poems, discuss writing, play tunes, and charm the pants off you.

About the book: Damian Rogers tracks the transformative moment, where emotion and deep memory seek form through sound and image. Her poems tune into a stream of cosmic chatter, channeling voices that tell their stories slant, from a chaste nineteenth century utopian mystic to a chorus of crones to the radical characters of Detroit’s sixties-era radical underground. Examining the equally futile and seductive impulses to chase both chaos and perfection, Rogers taps into history and mythology as each transmission mines material that is at once personal and public.

About the author: Damian Rogers was born and raised in suburban Detroit. She holds a bachelor’ s degree from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and a graduate degree from the Bennington Writing Seminars in Bennington, Vermont. Her poems have been published in Brick Magazine, The Walrus, Salt Hill, MoonLit, and This Magazine. She lives in Toronto.

About the host: Jennifer LoveGrove has been a host and programmer at "In Other Words" since June 2007. She has published two books of poetry, is completing a novel, and was recently nominated for a K.M. Hunter Artist Award for literature.

In Other Words
CKLN 88.1FM or
Tuesday, January 26 2-3pm

Tune in!

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